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    As notícias incluem normalmente informações de especialistas do sector, proporcionando aos clientes conhecimentos e conselhos valiosos.


Star Discharge Valve Problems and Solutions

Star discharge valves are key devices in powder conveying systems. Their stable operation is crucial for production efficiency. Here are ten common problems to avoid...

Cement Industry Grinding Systems: Methods for Energy Savings

The energy consumption of grinding systems is a key indicator of their performance. Currently, grinding technology is evolving towards complete ball-free systems, such as vertical...

Detailed Comparison of Louvers and Butterfly Valves

Louvers and butterfly valves are commonly used in industrial pipelines. They primarily regulate fluid flow and pressure to ensure smooth industrial processes. Although both serve...

How to Cool High Exhaust Gas Temperatures in Boiler Dust Collectors?

During operation, high exhaust gas temperatures in boiler dust collectors are a common issue. This not only affects dust collection efficiency but may also damage...

Causes and Solutions for Air Slide Conveyor Blockage

The Air Slide Conveyor is widely used for pneumatic conveying of dry powder materials, especially in the cement industry for transporting cement and raw meal....

Optimizing Cyclone Dust Collectors: Key Design Factors

Cyclone dust collectors play a crucial role in air pollution control. Each component has specific dimensional ratios. Any change in these ratios can significantly impact...

Advantages of Using 100% PTFE Filter Bags in Waste Incineration

In today's world, environmental regulations are becoming stricter. The importance of waste incineration filter bags is increasingly evident. Using 100% PTFE filter bags not only...

Analysis of the Causes of Dust Collector Airflow Decrease

As industrialization accelerates, environmental protection and pollution control become global priorities. Among various pollution control technologies, dust collectors serve as effective air purification devices. They...

Effective Solutions for Dust Control in Quarries

As environmental regulations become stricter, dust control in quarries has become a key focus of the industry. Screening equipment and belt conveyors are essential machinery...

Guide to Rotary Valve Function and Maintenance

Working Principle of Rotary Unloading Valves Rotary unloading valves play a crucial role in dust removal equipment for discharging ash, delivering air, and feeding other...

Considerations for Cement Cooling Processes

In cement production, the cooling process plays a crucial role in ensuring the quality and performance of cement. The cement cooling process mainly consists of...

Quality Control in Cement Grinding Process

S Cement Plant is a modern dry-process cement plant. It uses advanced grinding equipment and technology. The plant employs a CKP vertical mill and a...


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